Why Location Is Key When Choosing Event Venue

During company product launch you will need also a corporate functions Melbourne organizer. When it comes to buying a property in which to live, many people swear by the old adage ‘location, location, location’ – and it seems this is no less important for event organizers looking for somewhere to host their next meeting or conference.

I recently wrote the blog about my personal top 5 considerations when selecting an event venue and I recently uncovered an industry report from the Institute of Business Travel Management (IBTM). IBTM recently asked a wide selection of people holding or hosting events in Europe about what factors they view as important in terms of influencing their selection of venue and destination.

An overwhelming majority (73.7 per cent) said the location, i.e. the area of the country, is the most significant aspect for them, the Meetings Industry Report 2013 states.

The quality of service provided by the venue came second with 57.9 per cent, while the price and value for money was a close third (52.6 per cent).

Rounding out the top five were access and capacity of conference facilities, both scoring 31.6 per cent.

Perhaps this discovery isn’t too surprising, though. After all, events need to be in places that are well-known and easy to find unless they are virtual meetings, because too few people would go otherwise.

Indeed, in a recent study that we did, 45 per cent of unique click-throughs during the registration process was to the Event map. People were clearly using the map to check they would be able to get to the venue before making their bookings.

The IBTM said it was interesting to note that quality of service came before budget considerations in event organizers’ eyes, but again, this may be obvious when carefully analyzed. Of course, brands do not want to waste money in austere times, but a cheap meeting or conference will look poor and may result in delegates not returning or leaving early. Spending more in the short term could result in a better return on investment in the long run.

Rated as not at all important for organizers were dedicated technical support and technical capability and expertise of venue staff, which suggests that organizers are using their own technology both during the ticket booking process and throughout the event to make their happenings efficient and cost-effective.