Abdominal Exercises for Obese People

Before we start getting you involved in abdominal fitness exercises for the obese, you should consult your local doctor for his advice and professional opinion especially if you have a history of back problems.

Safe workouts for people with obese problems, who still wish to develop a strong central core (abdominal muscles), is possible. Just remember, nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it.

Everybody thinks sit ups and crunches will do the trick but they only form part of the equation in obtaining those to die for sexy abs. No matter how strong your abdominal muscles are, the truth is that visibility of your abs is really controlled by the amount of belly fat covering them. The key to getting toned abdominal muscles lies mainly in what abdominal fitness exercises you choose to perform during your fitness workout routine. You will need a fitness exercise program that helps to increase your heart rate to burn fat and a proper balanced diet to help you decrease your body to fat ratio for men around 10 -12 % and women 15% fat.

You will remain healthy and fit for a long time to come, because abdominal fat burned off in this way doesn’t return easily. It’s definitely a smarter way to achieve a good healthy lifestyle. The more obese you are the more challenging, both mentally and physically, you will need to be to obtain results, but with your family and friends supporting you together with these obese fitness exercises you will be motivated to helping yourself achieve a much happier, healthy vibrant lifestyle.

The abdominal area is made up of three main muscles groups, you have upper muscles rectus abdominal), lower muscles(transverse abdominal) and side muscles (oblique abdominal). You will need to target all three areas with different fitness exercise routines to develop these main muscle groups.

If it’s uncomfortable for you to lay on a floor or floor mat because of your body size, you can still complete your abs fitness exercise program. Don’t worry because you can do your workout routine while standing up. Without any loss of effectiveness but a big help to your back and knees.

The idea is to have fun while focusing on improving health through increasing the strength, fitness and circulation in the body.

Try some of these standing or sitting abs fitness exercises routines right now.

Before you attempt these fitness exercises, you will need to support your knees. Help them hold you up by using a set of knee braces, or strap up your knees with an elastic bandage to provide the support required for your workout routines.

1. The distance between your feet should be a comfortable shoulder width as you stand, stretch your right and left arm upwards with fingers out stretched, slowly and gently lower your right and left arms to a 90 degrees angle, while simultaneously raising your left knee and leg while holding it at a 90 degree angle, gently place that leg back on the ground while stretching your arms upward with fingers outstretched. Copy the same routine with your arms but this time using your right knee and leg. Try doing 30 sets per leg alternating between your left and right legs. Remember if you are not able to do this many it is better to do 5 -10 and work your way up to 30 than sit there doing nothing.

2. The distance between your feet should be a comfortable shoulder width as you stand. Take a step forward with your left leg, slowly and gently lifting the left leg a few inches clear of the floor, slowly making circles using just your foot – try to keep your leg still and straight, as you make 20 circles in one direction then (using the same foot) 20 circles in the opposite direction, then change to the right leg and repeat the exercise doing as many as you are able too.

3. The distance between your feet should be a comfortable shoulder width as you stand, securely holding a 10 to 20 pound dumb bell (use what weight makes you feel comfortable) in your left and right hands, gently and slowly lean to your left side without moving your straight legs. Note, this move should only involve your obliques (side abdominal) muscles. After you’ve completed 20 repetitions on one side, change over to the right side and complete 20 repetitions or as many as you are able too.

4. Regular Rapid Walking – is an excellent type of Fitness exercise routine for you. You should try and work your way towards doing this simple exercise for up to 45 minutes 5 to 6 times per week. It is also the most natural fitness exercise.

5. A great abdominal exercise for obese people is simply to sit and relax in a comfortable chair, then gently and slowly lean forward as if you’re going to touch your toes. Make it a small gentle movement, don’t lunge forward, and slowly return back up to the original sitting position. Make sure you’re using your stomach muscles and not working your back. For the best results cycle through this fitness exercise routine by bending down as far as possible then return to the sitting position, rotate your tummy area to the left without moving your buttocks and gently and slowly lean forward then slowly return to the original sitting position. Repeat this routine by rotating your tummy area to the right again without moving your buttocks and gently and slowly lean forward and slowly return to the original sitting position. Start at the centre followed by the left then finish with the right. Try to do this 12 times and build up the cycles (numbers) as you become physically fitter and stronger.

6. The distance between your feet should be a comfortable shoulder width as you stand, loosen your knees. Protect your lower spine by tucking your pelvis under and with slow, controlled movements, begin crunching. Concentrate on breathing in deeply as you Squeeze your abs. Breathe out with each crunch and breathe in as you come back up. Try this 10 times, relax for 30 seconds, then repeat until you have performed three repetitions.

7. To achieve an effective core workout you can utilize an exercise ball. You can improve your posture and strengthen your core by just sitting correctly on the ball. Make sure it is of sufficient size and is inflated correctly prior to attempting to sit on the ball and maintain your balance. Not so easy initially is it? Just keep in mind the old adage that ‘practice makes perfect’.

8. This fitness exercise is called midline lifting. Fill an empty shopping bag with items that weigh say 5 kilos. This weight can be decreased or increased as you get stronger. Stand with your feet spaced a comfortable shoulder width apart, hold the one bag handle in your left hand and the other bag handle in your right hand, slowly and carefully lifting it directly up the centre line of your body, tightening your abs as you lift. You will need to breathe in as you slowly lift, breathe out as you slowly lower the bag. Repeat this fitness exercise 10 times, then rest for 30 seconds. Perform three repetitions. This fitness exercise will also strengthen your arm muscles.

As you can see, you don’t need to get down on the floor to achieve effective abdominal fitness exercises. Try the above exercises today, you won’t regret it, indeed you will benefit and feel so much happier, healthier and clear minded the more you accomplish.

Fitness and Health Ideas would love to know what you think of the above exercises. If you take the initiative and begin an exercise program, please let us know, we would love to monitor your progress.

To find out more about fitness and health benefits to you, go to Fitness and Health Ideas. Don’t put off taking action if you believe this type of low impact fitness and health exercise will benefit you. YOU MUST START RIGHT NOW. The exercise will greatly increase your fitness and health plus your physical and mental well being will be better for it.

(c) Copyright Harry Field Publishing LLC.

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