5 Hot Pilates Exercises for Chronic Lower Back Pain

Physio Northern Beaches can help people of all ages manage or overcome different types of acute and chronic injuries or movement dysfunction. Chronic lower back pain is among the most common injury suffered by both gender in all age group, but most significant in the elderly. There are many options available. If it is not too serious, you can choose to use non-invasive method like medication. Or play an active role in your own recovery by turning to Pilates if you prefer a more natural and long-term relief.

Specific Pilates exercises can strengthen core muscles to help in fighting off chronic lower back pain because your postural muscles groups are in charge of your form. If you have good core endurance, it will be reflected in your overall posture and prevent back injury.

Here are 5 great tips to get cracking:

1.Pelvic Tilt

Pelvic tilt is one of the best Pilates exercises that is used to assess your core strength especially if you have chronic lower back pain. It is a functional move. The ability to perform pelvic tilt means your lumbar spine is able to articulate and move. This mobility plays an important role in your recovery.

To perform the exercise, lie on your back. Bend your knees with feet flat on the floor. Inhale to prepare and exhale by slowly pressing the small of your back firmly into the floor and lift hips up slightly. Start by lifting only to the level you can. Draw your bellybutton down to your spine as you exhale during the lift. Avoid lifting pelvis higher than your middle back as tension will build up in the back of the neck. Repeat 5-10 times.

2.Knee Sway

Knee Sway relieves tight vertical spinal column muscles that are tired and weak. It adds instant relief and acts to quickly take away radiating lower back ache.

Lie on your back. Knees bend and feet wide on the floor. Keep knees about hip width or imagine you have a big basketball between your knees. Inhale to prepare, exhale slowly and turn both knees to one side without collapsing your knees together. Always remember to engage your abdominals when moving both knees from one side to the other. Repeat 5-10 times.

3.Alternate Knee Lift

Alternate Knee Lift helps to stretch tight weak lower back muscles and train abdominals at the same time. It is a simple beginner exercise and a safe exercise to start on your journey to strengthen your back.

Lie on your back. Knees bend and feet wide on the floor. Keep knees about hip width. Inhale to prepare, exhale slowly lift one leg (knee still bend) off the floor and towards your chest about waist level. Avoid bringing your knee too close to the face. Repeat 5-10 times for one leg and switch to the other leg.

4.Swan Prep

This exercise alleviates chronic lower back pain by strengthening your back extensors. Such muscles are usually overstretched and weak in people with back pain.

To start, lie on your tummy on the floor, face down. Put your palms at chest level, near your armpits, under your shoulders. Your elbows are bent. Keep the back of your neck long with your nose floating off the floor. Inhale to prepare, exhale slowly and lift your bellybutton up and away from the floor. Keep the abdominals lifted as you press your palms into the floor. Exhale as you lift the chest slightly off the floor with the back of the neck long and face looking down. Avoid lifting chin up and looking forward. Face should always be looking down. Repeat 5-10 times.

5. Cat

Cat is a great for back stretching and improving flexibility. It can also be used as a warm-up for other Pilates exercises.

Get on all fours with your knees and your hands on the floor. Check out to have your palms under your shoulder. Inhale to draw your tummy in and round your upper back to the ceiling and your eyes to your belly button as in an angry cat. Exhale as you arched your back (tummy dropping to the ground) and look upwards. The move resembles a stretching cat. Repeat as many times as you are comfortable.

Cool Down with Child’s Pose

Child’s Pose is one of the easiest and most relaxing Pilates exercises.

Start with all fours. Sit back on your heels. Your butt should be on your heels. Your chest should be on your knees. Your knees should be shoulder width apart as you keep your toes together. Drape your body over your thighs. Your forehead should rest on the floor or on the back of your palms. Next, stretch your arms out to your front. Deeply breathe and relax as you remain in the position for several minutes. This should help to release tension in your neck, hips, and lower back.