4 Brilliant Family Exercise Ideas You Can Try This Winter

If you want to lead a fit and healthy lifestyle, regular exercise is essential. Unfortunately, exercising regularly can leave you with very little time to spend with your family. So why not combine the 2? In this article I help you do exactly that with 4 excellent family exercise ideas you can try this winter. Like basic Pilates, dynamic pilates manly consists of a series of exercises designed to engage and strengthen your core and lower back muscles and to improve posture.


When winter rolls around most towns usually get a temporary outdoor ice rink. So why not take the whole family down for an afternoon of fun? Moderate ice skating burns a notable 355 calories per hour whilst intense ice skating burns 600 calories per hour. If you spend a few hours at the ice rink you can easily surpass the 1,000 calorie mark and have a blast while doing it.


Sledding is a simple family exercise that requires just a sled, a hill and some snow. Sledding down the hill is good fun whilst dragging the sled back up the hill gives you a bit of a workout. Just 1 hour of sledding burns an impressive 476 calories per hour.


You might think snowball fights are for kids only but give it a try this winter and I am sure you will still enjoy it no matter what your age. Getting a snowball fight started is simple. All you need is snow and some open space such as your garden, your street or the local park. Once you get into it, snowball fighting really won’t feel like exercise but you will still be burning a reasonable 319 calories per hour.


Snow tubing is very similar to snowboarding and sledding. The main difference is that instead of using a board or a sled you use a large rubber ring. Snow tubing is a lot more friendly to beginners than snowboarding and most of the time it costs less too. This makes it a particularly good family exercise as everyone should pick it up relatively quickly and it won’t cost you an arm and a leg. In terms of calories burned it is just as effective as snowboarding with 1 hour of snow tubing burning through 429 calories. Offer any help for those in need of mat exercise.


As you can see the Christmas weather brings with it plenty of fun family exercise opportunities. So next weekend why not treat the family to a day out by picking 1 or more activities of this list? Not only will you spend valuable time with your family but you will also be able to maintain your regular exercise routine.